Mustard Oil (1 L)
Mustard Oil os also known as sarson or sarso ka tel in Hindi is strong, pungent flavored oil derived from the
Mustard Seeds (200 gms)
Mustard Seeds whole. When making any Indian curry especially sambar, poha or other vegetables you can lightly fry some mustard
Mysore Sandal Soap (150 gm)
Mysore Sandal soap or Mysore Sandalwood Soap as some people call it is one of India’s most iconic, fragrant and
Namak Para Savoury Snack (300 gm)
Namak para, also nimki or nimkin is a crunchy savoury snack eaten in the Indian Subcontinent. It is also referred
Nanak Paneer Cheese Block (400 gms) – MONTREAL ONLY
***Please note this item is only available in Montreal*** Indian paneer cheese. Paneer is the most commonly eaten cheese in
Nanak Pure Desi Ghee (800 gm)
Punjab Milk Foods Inc. (Canada) Nanak is the largest federally approved Indian dairy in North America that specialises in Indian