Gachak (a peanut and jaggery dish) may be known by many appellations throughout India but the taste that it effuses is definitely uniform. It is called chikki in North India with its origin being in Gujarat. It has a burst of different textures ranging from sticky to chewy…
Gachak (a peanut and jaggery dish) may be known by many appellations throughout India but the taste that it effuses is definitely uniform. It is called chikki in North India with its origin being in Gujarat. It has a burst of different textures ranging from sticky to chewy to crunchy. The long shelf life of this dish is another icing on the cake. You needn’t think twice before offering a couple of pieces of this protein-rich snack to your children!
Another variation of Gachak is one which is made with sesame instead of peanuts, called Sesame chikki or Til Gachak.
Gachak aux arachides
Gachak (dessert à base d’arachides et de jaggery) est connu sous de nombreuses appellations dans toute l’Inde, mais son goût est uniforme. Il s’appelle chikki dans le nord de l’Inde et tire ses origines du Gujarat. Il a un éclat de textures différentes allant de collant à caoutchouteux à croquant. La longue durée de conservation de ce plat est une autre cerise sur le gâteau. Vous n’avez pas besoin de réfléchir à deux fois avant d’offrir quelques morceaux de cette collation riche en protéines à vos enfants! Une autre variante de Gachak est celle qui est faite de sésame au lieu darachides, appelée Sésame chikki ou Til Gachak.
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